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Earth Day Celebration, Town-wide Clean-Up Day 4/26/2024 Register View Cart

  • Plaistow Town-Wide Clean-Up Day – April 26, 2025
  • Each year, the town comes together to celebrate Earth Day by cleaning up our community. Join us for Plaistow’s annual Earth Day Celebration with a Town-Wide Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 26th!
  • Participants can pick up specially marked trash bags at the Recreation Department inside the Norman L. Major Building (Town Hall Annex), 14 Elm Street, between April 21st and 24th during office hours 8-4 pm.
  • Filled bags can be left curbside, and the Highway Department will collect them by the end of the weekend.
  • Many hands make light work, together, we can keep Plaistow beautiful!
  • To participate, contact the Recreation Department at 603-382-5200 ext. 204 or email
  • Let’s make a difference! 

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  No Registration Required
Town Wide Clean-up day 
N/A N/A Sa  04/26/2025
08:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Norman L. Major Building, Recreation Office
$0.00 Res

Participants can pick up specially marked trash bags at the Recreation Department inside the Norman L. Major Building (Town Hall Annex), 14 Elm Street, between April 21st and 24th during office hours 8-4 pm.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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